Francis Adam Bowl


 Presented by the CSGA in 1954
Handicap Event Scratch to 36 Handicaps for Associates from CSGA Affiliated Clubs
To be played in conjunction with the CSGA events on the CSGA Open Day each Year

2024 L Johnson – Murrumbidgee      
2021 Pauline Jeffrey – Queanbeyan 2022 Suzanne Nixon – Moss Vale 2023 S Heffernan – Yowani
2018 Jenny Ogg – Bowral 2019 Judi Anderson – Yowani 2020 Judi Anderson – Yowani
2015 S Hawthorn 2016 M Wedlock 2017 P Thomas – RMC
2012 V Krizaic – Belconnen 2013 S Whiteway 2014 S Hanley – Gungahlin Lakes
2009 L Gaudry – Yowani 2010 J Davis – Belconnen 2011 L Kyte – Highlands
2006 Mrs L Smyth – Federal 2007 Mrs J Nevin – Queanbeyan 2008 J McDonald – Queanbeyan
2003 Mrs F Wicks Gungahlin Lakes 2004 Mrs L Smyth – Federal 2005 Mrs D Randall – Moss Vale
1999 Mrs L Smyth – Federal 2000 Mrs B Burke – Royal Canberra 2002 Mrs J Haskins – Highlands
1996 Mrs M Wicks – Yass 1997 Mrs L Kite – Highlands 1998 Mrs J Martin – Yass
1993 Mrs P Christensen – Highlands 1994 Mrs A Hewitt – Crookwell 1995 Mrs B Tottenham – Yass
1990 Mrs A Hewitt – Crookwell 1991 Mrs L Hill – Federal 1992 Mrs C Watson – Yowani
1987 Mrs JH Murdock – Federal 1988 Mrs P Morris – Goulburn 1989 Mrs S Stokes – Highlands
1984 Mrs Y Hayes – Bowral Country 1985 Mrs G Goiser – Queanbeyan 1986 Mrs J Nevin – Queanbeyan
1981 Mrs B. Marshall Queanbeyan 1982 Mrs E. Tuckwell Federal 1983 Mrs J. Reynolds Yowani
1978 Mrs H. Hickman Goulburn 1979 Mrs H. Foley Moss Vale 1980 Mrs V. McCarthy Goulburn
Mrs A. Hewitt Crookwell
1975 Mrs R Puckett – Yass 1976 Mrs P. Sewell Highlands 1977 Mrs B. Gabriel Queanbeyan
1972 Mrs B Walker – Moss Vale 1973 Mrs J Beattie – Crookwell 1974 Mrs M Sheckey – Goulburn
1969 Mrs M Smith – Bowral Country 1970 Mrs E Tickner – Moss Vale 1971 Mrs B Haydon – Highlands
1968 Mrs M Green – Yowani 1967 Mrs E Hawkins – Highlands 1968 Mrs N Tuckerman – Yowani
1963 Mrs A Gulson – Goulburn 1964 Mrs E McIntosh – Moss Vale 1965 Mrs A Fletcher – Federal
1960 Mrs O Smith – Royal Canberra  1961 Mrs E Voce – Federal 1962 Mrs V Ballard – Royal Canberra
1957 Mrs Y Richie – Bowral Country 1958 Mrs Cosgrove – Federal 1959 Mrs Bairbairn – Moss Vale
1954 Mrs Mack – Moss Vale 1955 Mrs Cain – Royal Canberra 1956 No Play